
Hässleholm Kulturhus Vattugatan 18 / Järnvägsgatan 23, Hässleholm
Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
10:30 AM to 04:30 PM

Europaforum is a big event organized in the South of Sweden where political parties, local authorities and civil society organizations come together to discuss about European Union ahead of the elections 2019. This is a potential best practice and model for other EU countries showing that it’s possible to get leading politicians out of the capital to come and talk to ordinary people about Europe in a small town.

The Europaforum doesn’t seem sufficiently known outside Sweden.Our team will interview political parties and panellists on freedom of movement and also on climate change, the special theme for our caravan. All the major political parties will have stands. Sharing a desk with Europe Direct, we will engage participants in our projects, promoting our petition “Genuine freedom of movement and a European citizenship for all!”

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